Why did I remake this website?

I’ve been thinking about properly starting to write on here for a long time now, but I always started from the wrong end.

Why I failed

Every previous attempt started with me trying to develop a “platform” of some kind, treating it as a coding project and getting lost in the details of it. I definitely had fun working on those attempts and learned a lot, however I always ended up with a shiny empty box.

I would spend so much time obsessing over trying to make the thing meet some unreasonable level of standards and would spend time polishing it to said level, only to burn out a decent way through with nothing to show for it. Usually because I didn’t actually invest any time into actually writing the content for the site, but polishing an empty framework/pipeline to get there.


Later, motivated by Maggie Appleton’s writing and gorgeous site, I decided to actually start collecting my thoughts in a personal local digital garden. This lives inside of a personal Obsidian vault that I’ve been tending on & off for some time now. As part of this process I’ve also decided to embrace the mess and let things evolve over time instead of seeking “perfection”.

This led to me actually getting some writing done and organizing my thoughts better!

Keep it simple

The last piece of the puzzle was recently stumbling upon TodePond and their tadi web idea/approach to a “better web”. The idea resonated with me and since I’ve happened to have some spare time on my hands, I decided to discard everything that was here and start from scratch with a very simple website in pure HTML+CSS and a bit of JavaScript for flair (and even that code was stolen). Decided to keep it simple and messy so that I actually build a habit of writing on here and leave improving and/or fixing stuff for later.

So yeah, hopefully you can expect to read more from me here in my garden!